Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Why is it so hard to control flea infestation?

Controlling fleas is a challenge because the adult fleas cause the clinical signs, yet the majority of the flea population (eggs, larvae and pupae) are found off the pet in and around the home. By the time a flea is seen on an animal, the life cycle has already begun.


Eggs: Eggs are laid in the hair coat and are designed to fall off the host.

Larvae: Larvae develop in the host’s environment and feed on adult flea feces (digested blood) that fall out of the hair coat of the pet. Larvae eventually spin cocoons (often within carpet fibers) called pupae.

Pupae: Pupae are resistant to freezing, desiccation, and insecticides. Pupae can lie dormant for many months; they are stimulated to hatch into adults by vibration, warming and increased carbon dioxide.

Flea: Fleas are fairly mobile and can survive a few days without a host, if in a suitable environment. New fleas begin feeding within hours of finding a dog or cat. Most fleas do not survive 72 hours on an animal, but because of its Life Cycle, flea infestation has already begun by the time you see fleas on your pet.

What is the best flea control?

The best flea control is always FLEA PREVENTION!

For cats, Revolution is the preferred product of choice because it also prevents heartworms, mites and intestinal parasites.

For dogs we recommend Sentinel, Frontline Plus, Revolution, Comfortis or Advantage Multi depending on the household, the severity of the problem and what other parasites we are trying to control.

If my pet does have fleas, how long do I need to treat him/her?

Animals should be treated for 6 months consecutively from the time of infection or treated preventatively from May to November every year in Buffalo.

Do fleas carry other diseases?

Yes. Most notably they carry Tapeworms. Dogs and cats get the Tapeworms by eating the fleas while grooming themselves.

Can I just go online to buy my flea prevention?

We cannot endorse going online to buy flea prevention. The FDA has found some companies sell unapproved pet drugs and counterfeit pet products, make fraudulent claims and sell expired drugs. Most recently we treated a dog that had been given a heartworm/flea prevention that was bought online, and found to have been manufactured in another country and not regulated by the FDA. If you would like home delivery, we recommend going to www.vetcentric.com

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